The Thing Rocks FTC Warehouse with Rosen as Opener
The Thing took the stage at FTC Warehouse to promote their latest album, The Thing Is. Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, this four-piece band—featuring Michael Carter, Jack Bradley, Zane Accord, and Lucas Ebeling on drums—delivered a set that effortlessly fused vintage and contemporary rock vibes.
Double Standard: From 'Crush' to Brooklyn Made, A Band That Knows What Fans Want
That happens a lot—thinking we’re writing one song, but it ends up being something else. I remembered Sienna’s first verse, and we knew we wanted to write a song that somehow included “Bushwick” and “K-hole.”

Hanging Out With The Backfires: Their Epic Return to the Stage at Heaven Can Wait
With this latest release, The Backfires have really stepped up, showing their listeners they’ve got even more to offer than in previous years. We asked them about the process behind the new record and how it differed from what they’d done before.