Behind the Lens: A Conversation with Chantel Malin
Just go for it—life’s too short not to try. Everyone’s journey is unique, but my advice is to grab whatever camera you can afford and start shooting. Go to small shows in tiny clubs or bars, discover local bands you’ve never heard of, and take as many photos as you can. Experiment and make mistakes—take blurry, underexposed, or out-of-focus photos.

Catching Up with The Criticals: Why They Are About to Take Over, And We’re Here for It
We never had the privilege of spending as much time on a piece of music as we did with this record. Getting the opportunity to spend three days on a song instead of pumping it out in six hours made a huge difference. We didn't leave anything on the table with this one—no stone was left unturned.

Hanging Out With The Backfires: Their Epic Return to the Stage at Heaven Can Wait
With this latest release, The Backfires have really stepped up, showing their listeners they’ve got even more to offer than in previous years. We asked them about the process behind the new record and how it differed from what they’d done before.