Behind the Lens: A Conversation with Chantel Malin
Just go for it—life’s too short not to try. Everyone’s journey is unique, but my advice is to grab whatever camera you can afford and start shooting. Go to small shows in tiny clubs or bars, discover local bands you’ve never heard of, and take as many photos as you can. Experiment and make mistakes—take blurry, underexposed, or out-of-focus photos.

Fontaines D.C. Live in Brooklyn and Meeting Alex Turner in One Night. What is Life?
Fontaines D.C had left an indelible mark on us, and we couldn't wait to do it all over again in October. So, fellow groupies, buckle up because this band is about to take the U.S. by storm. And you better believe we'll be here every step of the way, bringing you all the deets.